Athletes & Athletic Teams

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Today’s athletes face tremendous pressure to excel physically, academically, and as role models in the community. This pressure often leads to frustration, anger, violence, abuse, self-doubt, alcoholism, drug addiction, inability to study, and negative outlets for stress.

“Many student athletes come from broken homes, have absent parents, are raised in poverty, and exposed to violence. In fact, according to a study conducted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Northeastern University, where they studied ten major universities between 1991 and 1993, student athletes only made up 3.3% of the student body, but were responsible for 19% of reported assaults on women1.” In fact, in 2012 the NCAA itself published the Social Environments Study that found that while student-athletes were predictably more inclined to view aggression as a positive trait, “…being athletically aggressive may be entwined with unethical decision-making.” []

The Uncommon Results Athletic Program is designed to make a difference with athletes both on and off the field. Our program is designed to motivate players to set and achieve goals far beyond their current reality. We challenge players to be better athletes and better human beings.

Outcomes of team participation in this training include:

  • better season records
  • improved team morale
  • team cohesiveness
  • team support
  • increased individual commitment
  • more enthusiasm and positive attitudes
  • reduction in missed practices
  • increased attendance of classes
  • new excitement towards learning
  • championship attitudes
  • decreased violence
  • increased self-esteem

Then there are the results that won’t be as obvious, better communication with loved ones, lighter tempers, more self-control, and an understanding of consequences and ramifications which will insure better decision making skills.

Uncommon Results Athletic Program is also successful because we deal with all of the baggage that the players bring with them. Many student athletes come from broken homes, have absent parents, are raised in poverty, and exposed to violence. In fact, according to a study at University of Massachusetts and Northeastern University, where they studied ten major universities between 1991 and 1993, student athletes only made up 3.3% of the student body, but were responsible for 19% of reported assaults on women.


1. Crosset, Todd, Jeffrey Benedict, and Mark McDonald (1995) “Male Student-Athletes Reported for Sexual Assault: A Survey of Campus Police Departments and Judicial Affairs.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 19:126-140.



Like a great coach, Mark Charley is able to inspire individuals and teams to see and use effectively talent and ability they didn’t know they have.  He uniquely combines toughness, experience, creativity, and humanity into a winning formula.  Not only are teams more successful after working with Mark, he has a lifelong impact on the people he works with.
Dan MillerFounder and Former CEOThe Breakthrough Foundation