Client Testimonials

Here's what some of our clients have to say...

A Lasting Impression…

It means the world to us when we can leave a lasting impression on those that we work with.
After an 18 month turnaround, Amino Communications Ltd. needed a customized solution to take their business to the next level. We are proud to say that we successfully implemented a truly transformative program that aided the organization in creating a fresh culture committed to a higher level of performance than the team ever thought possible.

Featured Testimonial

I am the Managing Director of a private business in the UK which delivers outsourced government services for the UK government. The services are aimed at Young People who have somehow fallen through the net, adults seeking employment, young people and adults seeking training, upskilling and last: people looking to set up in business.

I have been involved in this type of work for almost 30 years and I found myself wondering why I was still doing it, what was it that kept me going amidst the government red tape, reduced funding, reduced margins, noise in the system and a lack of focus across government. I had, in a sense, become a victim and I was looking for some new energy.

I came across Mark and his team by chance through a UK contact. I took the first step and visited Mark in action in Belgium, then I took a few bolder steps: I closed the entire business for 3 days to take my whole staff through a 3 day transformational coaching session with Mark and his team. I was so overwhelmed by this, I decided to offer the same training to my entire supply chain of 35 organisations and furthermore I have created a companywide volunteering programme for my staff to attend Mark’s sessions in Europe over the next 3 years.

So, why did I do this, what was it that struck me:

Mark is no ordinary ‘trainer’: he can be challenging, confrontational but it always insightful and precise. He is quick to figure out the ‘’racket’’ at play and deal with it in a transformational way- rather than an incremental, apologetic way. I wasn’t interested in increments, change, better, more… I was hungry for transformation, a breakthrough.

Mark spent 3 days with my entire staff team and there is little doubt that there has been transformation across the business: I can sense this, feel it, but more important my staff are more productive, more efficient, more focussed on the task at hand. I was so taken by this, that I have created a champion network of 8 staff to embed the approach across the business.

Mark has also been able to embed this approach across my supply chain of partners across London, small, corporate and voluntary sector. A new sense of purpose, a sense that we are all in it together. The 3 days he spent with my supply chain was just so good, just so good for them, for my business and for the future relationships between us: more focused, clear, with purpose and clarity

So, what can I say:

  1. Mark and his team are no ordinary team- they will challenge the status quo
  2. Mark and his team can break down the victim culture, deal with it and get whole teams back on track and focussed on performance, including commercial performance
  3. Mark and his team can and do create a positive, sustained culture which can be measured, tracked and lead to success- the tricks and techniques he uses are powerful, personal and dynamic
  4. I am so pleased I came across him in a chance meeting, when I was questioning the ‘’why’’, created so many breakthrough and moved my business on in so many ways- whilst at the same time created so many personal development opportunities across the business- my staff, supply chain and wider networks


James Clements Smith

Managing Director, PreVista Ltd.


Additional Testimonials

The training for staff was the most enlightening process I have ever undergone, yet I found watching prisoners working through it, from such different situations, a greater revelation than I could have imagined. . . . The commitment of your staff to their stated aim and the integrity they show in pursuit of that aim is a credit to them and a reflection of the highly skilled people in your organization. . . . I have never witnessed prisoner examining their thoughts and feelings in this way and choosing a new way and new life for themselves. The whole experience was refreshing, invigorating, and empowering and provides me personally with greater challenges in my life for the future.
R. MorrisSenior Prison OfficerH.M. Prison Service
I have been in the Prison Service for almost 25 years and I have never seen an intervention which has such a profound effect on so many people in such a short time. The people I refer to are not just the prisoner participants but also my staff.
Barry DentonHead of Young OffendersH.M. Prison Service Moorlands
For the first time Mark is working professionally in our Country and our culture. I am amazed about the way he worked together with us to find the best way of delivering the course, his listening and openness towards us and our culture.
Asa DanielssonChief Social Service Borlange CommunitySweden